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当地时间2025年3月14日,法国巴黎雅典娜酒店华灯璀璨,第11届法国双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖颁奖盛典在此隆重举行。由山东力明科技职业学院校长王力一教授和该院陶塑艺术学院院长王令涛教授带领创新科研团队研发的“力明双玺杯”,在法国双面神GPDP国际设计大奖中荣获文创产品类金奖。

On March 14, 2025 (local time), the grand halls of the Athena Hotel in Paris shone brightly as the 11th French Janus GPDP AWARD International Design Ceremony unfolded in grandeur. Among the standout winners, the “Liming Shuangxi Cup,” a cultural innovation crafted by the research team of Shandong Liming Vocational College of Science and Technology under the leadership of President Wang Liyi and Professor Wang Lingtao, Dean of the Ceramic Art Institute, claimed the Gold Prize in the Cultural Creative Product category—a triumph of Chinese heritage meeting global design excellence.

法国双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖创办至今已成功举办了11届,本届大赛得到来自:法国、意大利、英国、西班牙、奥地利、巴西、土耳其、伊朗、日本、印度、泰国、中国及中国香港、中国台湾等三十几个国家地区近千名设计师报名参赛,参赛作品1800余套。在国际评委的层层筛选下,对所有参赛作品进行了严格的选拔,最终评选出获奖作品200余套。法国设计学院双面神奖“Janus”国际评审团主席ANNE-MARIE SARGUEIL、评审团成员Michel Sanlaville、Olivier-Felix Isselin、Stéphane Quigna、Beatrice Mange出席了本届颁奖盛典及国际设计高峰论坛。

Now in its 11th year, the Grand Prix Design Paris Award is a globally recognized platform celebrating excellence in design innovation. This year’s competition attracted nearly 1,000 designers from over 30 countries and regions, including France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Austria, Brazil, Turkey, Iran, Japan, India, Thailand, and China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan). Out of 1,800 competing projects, only 200 outstanding designs were honored after a rigorous selection by the esteemed international jury.

The awards ceremony and global design summit featured an influential panel of judges, including Anne-Marie Sargueil, President of the Janus International Jury, alongside esteemed jury members Michel Sanlaville, Olivier-Felix Isselin, Stéphane Quigna, and Beatrice Mange.

盛典现场,国际评审团主席ANNE-MARIE SARGUEIL作为评审团主席上台致辞发言,她介绍了法国设计学院双面神奖“Janus”和法国双面神GPDP(Grand Prix Design Paris)Award国际设计大奖的发展历史,强调了奖项对推动全球设计创新的重要意义。随后,意大利获奖设计师PIETRO PAOLO SPEZIALE COSMOS AEC分享可持续发展设计主题,为全球设计趋势提供了新的思考方向。

Delivering the keynote address at the ceremony, Anne-Marie Sargueil emphasized the legacy and global impact of the Janus International Design Awards and the GPDP (Grand Prix Design Paris) Award, underscoring their role in advancing global design innovation. Adding to the evening’s discourse, Pietro Paolo Speziale Cosmos Aec, an award-winning Italian designer, shared insights on sustainable design, setting the tone for future trends in global design.


During the awards segment, Professor Wang Lingtao ascended the stage to accept the Gold Prize for Cultural & Creative Products on behalf of the Liming Shuangxi Cup research and development team. The international jury presented the award to nearly 100 distinguished designers and institutions from France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, China, Turkey, Iran, India, Thailand, and Japan.

为纪念2024中法建交60周年,在颁奖现场王令涛代表力明学院设计团队与荣获2024法国双面神GPDP WARD国际设计大奖的中国获奖设计师们一起,被组委会特别授予了“中法建交60周年-中法国际设计文化交流大使”荣誉证书,他们是推动中法两国间设计文化交流与合作的重要角色。

In recognition of the 60th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relations, Wang Lingtao and fellow Chinese laureates of the Grand Prix Design Paris Award were honored with the title “Sino-French Cultural Exchange Ambassadors” by the organizing committee, acknowledging their pivotal role in fostering design-driven cultural exchange and collaboration between China and France.


In an interview with Jinan International Communication Center, Professor Wang Lingtao emphasized the profound significance of this award. “This honor validates the global resonance of China’s intangible cultural heritage. We distilled the aesthetic essence of Longshan black pottery, a 4,000-year-old tradition, into the rhythmic contours of the Double Xi Cup, transforming Jinan’s poetic soul into tangible artistry. Cultural creative products are our most dynamic ambassadors. This achievement is a triumph for Jinan’s traditional craftsmanship and a compelling example of how Chinese culture can be shared with the world. Cultural and creative products serve as the most vibrant ambassadors of a nation’s heritage.”

Looking ahead, Wang Lingtao envisions deeper collaborations with international artists to craft more cultural masterpieces like the Liming Shuangxi Cup bearing Jinan’s cultural imprint, leveraging global platforms to amplify the city’s voice in cross-civilizational dialogues.


Following its 2023 victory at the Invention Convention Worldwide China Finals and the Gold Award for “Inheritance and Promotion of Chinese Civilization,” the “Liming Shuangxi Cup” has now dazzled on the world stage, exemplifying Liming College’s “dual-expertise” model that merges education with industry. This achievement not only sets a Shandong benchmark for vocational education’s role in national cultural strategy but also pioneers fresh pathways for China’s cultural globalization.


As the cradle of Qilu culture and an “East Asian Cultural Capital,” Jinan continues reinventing its historical legacy through contemporary innovation. Through initiatives like the “Liming Shuangxi Cup,” Jinan city—steeped in history yet pulsating with creativity—is scripting a new chapter in China’s “cultural overseas expansion” strategy. With each “Chinese solution” finding its way onto the world stage, the rise of Chinese design is not merely a story of artistic talent—it is a powerful testament to an ancient civilization’s wisdom illuminating the path of modernity.

(济南国际传播中心记者: 李潇彤)


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